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Work projects


2021 Trademark for the web directory / database of digital records of all patients from FVM clinics

2021 Trademark for the web database of scientific papers at FVM, VetErinar

2021 Recording and editing of video material (a total of 5 edited video presentations and 3 recorded) for the needs of the video presentation at the 42nd Symposium of Veterinary Knowledge Innovations2020.

2020 Video presentation of the Anatomical Museum of FVM, for the event “Museums for 10”

2019 Researchers’ night, FVM presentation, theme presentation: ‘’ Antimicrobial resistance ‘’ through a poster, coordination between the Faculty and the Researchers’ Night organizing team

2019. Creating the visual identity of the ‘FVM Days’ at the University Library
Svetozar Markovic

2018 Researcher’s Night, FVM Presentation, Introducing Theme: ‘’ The Heart, The Muscle That Moves Us ‘’ through poster and video presentation, coordination between the Faculty and the Research Night organization team

2017 - Conceptual presentation of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine presentation at the 2017 Science Festival

2017-  Ongoing/ Design of the cover page of the international journal “Veterinarski glasnik”

2017 -Design of the trademark for the international journal “Veterinarski glasnik”

2016 -Festival of Science 2016, Conceptual design of Faculty presentation and coordinator; theme “Under the surface-anatomy”

2016/2018 -Long Night of Museums, Museum of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

2016/2018 -Reconstruction and renovation of the Museum of Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Cooperation with the leadership of the Department of Anatomy and  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Recognizing the potential of the museum, which was dormant for years. Initiating the revitalization of museums and help in finding funds for reconstruction.
Informing the public about the existence and the re-activation of Anatomy Museum. Promotion of the Museum; through social networks, the media and participation in events aimed at familiarizing the public with the work of the museum.

After a year of public presentation: 2015/16 the academic year. The goal was to increase the percentage of candidates in the application exam; and we were able to attract 60% percent more candidates than the previous years

2015 -Festival of Science 2015, Conceptual design of Faculty presentation and coordinator;  theme , “Rabies”

2015 -Trademark for Faculty of Veterinary Medicine-FVM

2015/ Ongoing  -Events “Open door at FVM”, author of the preliminary proposals and project coordinator

2014 -Conceptual design of presentation, of Faculty of veterinarian medicine on Festival of Science 2014;  theme “The magical world of beneficial bacteria”

2014- The idea and organization of the first exhibition to which it was allowed to enter with  pets (Centre for the Promotion of Science).

2013 to 2014. Promotion of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, from concept to implementation, in collaboration with the Centre for the Promotion of Science


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